Cleveland Bridge closure imminent

Cleveland Bridge closes for 3 months from midnight tonight for vehicles. For local residents getting south is circuitous and likely to be very slow unless you can start in time to beat the...

The longer view…

An update from John on Camden Meadow Two brief updates – one, our new Friends of Camden Meadow group and, two, our second working party. Working Party In reverse order, we held our...

Hedgemead Park Revealed

You might not be quite sure about this caption but read on for an explanation! The exhibition at the Museum of Bath at Work on Julian Road and the programme of guided tours...

News vacuum on Cleveland Bridge

Well here we are, Thursday 28th May, and no updates since March. Do have a look for yourself here. This is despite two requests to the Highways Council Officers and being on the...

Litter pick, Sunday 16th May

Contrary to earlier reports, B&NES council does seem to be reintroducing weed spraying across the city.  Sharp-eyed residents may have noticed that this has already taken place in Camden;  apparently after two weeks...