Feline frolics perhaps?

4 Responses

  1. Paul Freegard says:

    Thatโ€™s so sad hope he comes home soon . Number 20

  2. John Long says:

    He’s been found! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Great news

  3. judith smith says:

    I am so pleased he has been found;
    But although I received massive support from Camden Residents Association re searching or my cat Theo, he was never found; so I am not sure claiming “100 percent success in the past” is quite accurate, as it might imply we would always find the lost cat for the owner?

  4. Jeremy says:

    So sorry about Theo, Judith. Your local neighbours did go on a search party through the woods and I saw lots of your posters on lamp posts and and telegraph poles. What we could have done but didn’t was ask the CRA to do a blog post.