Empty Property Week
There are reportedly 605 properties across the B&NES Council area currently vacant for more than 6 months and the authority is taking action to bring empty homes back into use. There don’t...
There are reportedly 605 properties across the B&NES Council area currently vacant for more than 6 months and the authority is taking action to bring empty homes back into use. There don’t...
Those subscribing to the Council’s Bath-Breathes-2021 website may, like me, have just received an email informing us that: the decision over the details of the Controlled Air Zone will be made available on...
Light Up the Future The free live web stream from the Abbey tomorrow afternoon can be accessed via https://livestream.com/tedx/bath-2018. What can we discover today that will brighten our future in a similar way?...
by a hard hitting poster campaign? There’s a big publicity push started today to get us ready for using our cars less. Despite there being so little news and minimal alacrity to engage...
NigelS, one of the CRA committee members, drew our attention to an article in the Guardian this week, celebrating the pristine air above the Isles of Scilly. It also reminded the reader of Wold...
The owners have issued a positive response to all the feedback provided at the open meeting last week. Dear All, Thank you very much for giving up your time and attending the meeting...
I along with at least 100 others met the owners of the shut pub last night at St Stephen’s church. The meeting was convened, I believe, by the campaign group called, Save the...
We’ve taken our rather drab traffic-filled blog and turned it into a more refreshing site which showcases our lovely neighbourhood – one which which we are keen to make ever better for those lucky...
Whilst the main flurry of activity continues to deliver the B&NES Clean Air Plan (CAP) according to published deadlines, the pre-existing air quality work is reported on in the “2018 Air Quality Annual...
It’s eerily quiet on the CAP… Our recent direct promptings to the Council’s project team and Mark Shelford, the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment now lead us to believe that the practicalities...