Further coronavirus support

Thanks for your nice comments to the team. Quite a lot has happened in two days. We’ve:
- distributed 350 leaflets along the streets of Camden over the last day – thanks to many of the committee and another helper
- received 23 offers of help which is fantastic. Everyone has been acknowledged and we’re just getting into the detail of what can be done.
- had one request for help this morning and and that has been fulfilled
- set up a special page here for Coronavirus hints and tips, both very local, and also from local and national government
- and we’re not looking very far ahead but we’re going to try one more thing tomorrow (Friday) …

If you are distancing your self socially or just feel you need to get out of the house safely then this might be for you. We’re saying we’ll be at the bandstand in Hedgemead Park at 11 am each day and keeping a metre or two apart from one another – you can see there is plenty of space on the tarmac. There’s still the possibility of chatting or going for a stroll together or letting the dogs off the lead, or having a sing song, or swapping stories, or sharing more hints and tips. Bring your own coffee if you like but not for sharing!
What a fantastic idea, thank you!
Thanks, Ruth. So it might not just be me at 11!
It wasn’t just me after all. I spoke to:
Cathy, from above Camden, who was shopping for one of our residents
Rachel and Nigel from our committee
Bramble, the dog, and her owner who is getting lots of support from Hedgemead Road
L, who is wondering how to keep her daughters occupied from now onwards and might come and draw rainbows on the tarmac – a sign of a child at home, apparently
Graham, who chairs the Friends of Hedgemead Park
Six toddlers with three adults who’d just been to play area
So I make that 16!
I’ll be there tomorrow at 11.