Tagged: BreATHe

Wera Hobhouse at the Komedia

Komedia was the unlikely setting for the 3rd in a series of events organised by our local MP to improve the understanding on Transport and Air Pollution issues in Bath and give participants...

BreATHe2021 – our response

In response to the proposals for a Clean Air Zone to be formed around central Bath, which were released on the 6th April and our attendance at the subsequent briefing, the Committee of...

End of April Report – please follow us

Reading through the last monthly report I’m struck by how much has happened since then.  At this time last month we were still awaiting the publication of the Council’s “Clean Air Plan: Strategic Outline Case”.  We got...

BreATHe2021 has simplified

Things appear to have simplified – the zone options have reduced to one – the extended option. If so, we are now left with one question – how many types of vehicles will...

Camden rides high

Disappointingly, representatives of just five residents associations, out of 29, managed to attend a workshop run by the Council’s BreATHe2021 project team on 19th April about the proposed Clean Air Zone. Better news...

Exhalation from BreATHe

BreATHe is the cute name for the programme of work B&NES has been compelled to start as a result of the recent High Court Direction. It has to yield results by 2021 so...