Liveable Neighbourhoods – Consultation closes 19th December 2021
I don’t have a lot of faith in these very quick consultation exercises but this may be one we should consider. Background Back in June, Camden was eliminated from the first wave of...
I don’t have a lot of faith in these very quick consultation exercises but this may be one we should consider. Background Back in June, Camden was eliminated from the first wave of...
I got the leaflet through our door today. Here’s the information for Camden from now for the next year!
Fancy joining us for a festive sing-a-long? We couldn’t do it last year because of the Covid restrictions but we’re back this year with new voices and old favourite carols to celebrate the...
AGM 2021 Thanks to the 35 residents who came in person and the four zoomers for being at our AGM on 12th November. In the absence of the Claremont Hall we used the...
at the Museum of Bath at Work, Julian Road, 7pm for 7:30pm. Click here for all you need to know. The committee is very much looking forward to meeting you in person or...
AGM / bike/cycle / Liveable Neighbourhoods / Low traffic neighbourhood / Recycling / Safety / The Association
Not only do we have important and highly appropriate speakers but the Committee have made this year’s event much more hospitable and accessible. We’re using the excellent (and wheel chair friendly) top room...
Members of our committee will be calling over the next week or so to give you this year’s Newsletter and hear of your hopes and concerns for Camden. The main news items are:...
Cleveland Bridge is set to open partially from 6am on Monday 25th October for lighter vehicles of less than 2 metre width. However it will be single lane operation with traffic lights so...
When? Friday evening, 12th November from 7pm, with the main meeting starting at 7:30pm. Where? Museum of Bath at Work, Julian Road Here is your opportunity to hear about the work of the...
Here’s 6 minutes of peoples’ photographs during lockdown. One of these was highly commended and featured Camden. Astonishing to reflect on what these thin pieces of copper wire enabled us to achieve during...