Happy New Year
We’ve been a bit quiet. Five things now…
Dead Christmas trees
One of my neighbours, Catherine, has prompted me to highlight the Council advice on getting rid of your Christmas tree. It’s not too late as long as you are currently paying for a green bin collection! Click here for details.
Recycling collections
Today Friday, is a ‘green day’ but this could be the third time this section of the road doesn’t get its service. I’m not sure why Camden Road is not ‘done in one’, but it now seems to rely on two runs – one for each side, and those houses on the lefthand side have not been getting their collections. If necessary we have two days to report a non collection here, after 5pm today – can we bombard them this time as these are narrow pavements next to a busy road? After todays’ collection we’re back to Thursday collections – click here for details.
Save the date – The Big Jubilee Lunch
There’s a lot afoot here with a team being set up to shape what this might look like – look out for another post very soon.
FoHP up for an award
For me Hedgemead Park has changed so much for the better over the last few years. From a rather dank and unloved piece of woodland to a great space to sit and ponder, or play, or grow fruit and veg (Vegmead), or tree spot or walk the dog, or simply walk though on your way down to Walcot Street or the Paragon. A major reason for that is the enterprise of the Friends of Hedgemead Park. With our backing they could win an award. Just click here to add your support for them.
And finally – B&NES Journey to Net Zero
Yet another consultation and 177 pages to consider by 7th February – click here to start! Don’t switch off quite yet. If there is anyone can join the few of us prepared to look at this with a scrutinising eye, please do get in touch by replying to this post. Early reads suggest this is a longer term plan with plenty to discuss and some potential threats to our neighbourhood, such as it is, riven by dangerous cut throughs. To some of us the proposals continue not:
- to consider better insulation and heating for listed buildings
- to address the fundamental issue of an eastern park and ride facility of some type
- to think more creatively about how some traffic can unavoidably cross the city healthily and safely without costing a bomb. We have some ideas on that… (see below)
The 7th Feb is only 23 days away, but we’ll probably go through the normal scenario of extending it because there are not enough responses, and as it is a longer term and important thing it will be an extended process of debate.
Someone has suggested that the unofficial ring road in Bath (Cleveland Bridge to Churchill Bridge (the station bridge) to Green Park to George Street to Cleveland Place) is made one way – effectively a massive roundabout, with the anticlockwise route dedicated to walkers and cyclists.
Discuss… again reply to this post if this interests you either way.