Category: Fun

A burgeoning community in Camden

If you follow the numbered trail… Last year the Friends of Camden Meadow really got going and coppiced about 24 hazels and various other trees to extend the pasture area and create some...

For a miserable afternoon…

Here’s 6 minutes of peoples’ photographs during lockdown. One of these was highly commended and featured Camden. Astonishing to reflect on what these thin pieces of copper wire enabled us to achieve during...

Camden Meadow revealed…

Working with B&NES Council and the Camden Residents’ Association, a small group of local people formed a volunteer working party on Saturday to help manage the land in front of Camden Crescent. Our...

Camden puts some twinkle on

Here’s a picture of the market in our namesake, Camden, in London The new committee met in full, for the first time since the AGM last month. Apart from setting priorities for the...