From the other side…

Lest we forget our one day of snowfall on Sunday, here is quite a reflective photograph from ‘Otter Cam’ who lives on Cleveland Bridge. Apparently the otters, and friends, are back and being filmed so we should get a new film soon. It also shows much of Camden from how many see it lower down in the city.
It also reminds us of the potential disruption to be caused later this year when the bridge has to be closed for repairs. We are strongly urging the Council to include Camden in the first phase of their ‘Liveable Neighbourhoods’ initiative to protect north Bath from displaced traffic unable to cross the river.

On our Sunday’s exercise we set out on Rivers Road behind Upper Camden Place and saw this view which I habitually liken to Les 3 Vallees – not that I’ve ever been there! I often wonder if we had a huge dump of snow how many snowboarders and skiers we would see on Bathwick Meadows, Smallcombe, Prior Park and Perrymead.

Needless to say that SteveK’s CRA snow operation was primed and ready for action on Monday morning but the warmer weather helped us out. There was however serious snow clearing on Perfect View and a heart warming sense of community cohesion, to use the jargon.
Quiz night at the Richmond
Catherine writes:
Dear Friends of the Richmond Arms, we are holding a Virtual Pub Quiz on Thursday 28th at 8pm. Thank you to those who already signed up. If you were thinking of joining us but haven’t got around to it yet, we would be very pleased to have you.
We are asking for contributions of £10 per household team. You can play at home on Zoom.If you would like to play please make payment to: The Richmond Arms: 23-69-72 05029370
Ref: Quiz. Once you have made payment I will send you the Zoom link. All you need to play is a tablet/smartphone/computer. Please also grab a pen and paper to note down your answers. It was lots of fun last time so we hope you can join us.
All the best to you all during these difficult times
Kind regards,
Catherine, Rupert and JamieThe Richmond Arms7 Richmond Place, Bath, BA1 5PZ
[email protected]
FoBRA Business Support Committee
FoBRA is the Federation of Bath Residents Associations of which the CRA is one of 39 members. They are asking for those interested to complete a survey regarding ideas about how the the commercial centre of Bath might recover after Covid. You can download the short survey here.