Meet our MP

As we live in Walcot or Lambridge we are very much invited to meet Wera Hobhouse on 13th February at 7pm for 90 minutes, at Burdall’s Yard. You may remember that the CRA has held its AGM in this intriguing subterranean venue for the last two years. The CRA is apolitical but is happy to support any effort which brings its residents in touch with those close to power. In fact she came to our AGM in 2017.
Here are bits from email she sent to me…
On the 13th of February, I will be hosting a Meet the MP event for Walcot and Lambridge residents at Burdall’s Yard, 7A Anglo Terrace in Bath. The event will run from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm and is an excellent opportunity to ensure your voice is heard.
I will be available to answer questions and provide updates on my work in Parliament and across our Bath community. I look forward to connecting with residents in your area, chatting about local issues, and sharing a friendly hello.
Best wishes

I’ll be there