Plant for the Jubilee

In this, the third in our series of ideas and encouragements for the Jubilee weekend, the CRA is continuing with our overarching theme of adding celebratory beauty to our Camden neighbourhood, by now thinking particularly about plants.
There are lots of smaller ways than trees (some more suited to Camden, actually) which we can bring more nature into our streetscape.
So we’re encouraging Camden residents to do some planting at the front of our houses in time for the Jubilee weekend. If not a tree. then a shrub in a pot outside your front door. Or perhaps a lovely window box or two (for year round colour, think about ivy and heather, for example). Whatever takes your fancy…
WATCH THIS SPACE: We’ll be sending out a couple more similar messages about decorating ideas such as bunting and window displays – in the meantime, get those gardening gloves on!