A burgeoning community in Camden

If you follow the numbered trail…
- Last year the Friends of Camden Meadow really got going and coppiced about 24 hazels and various other trees to extend the pasture area and create some new glimpses into the distance. ‘Yet more strimming to do’, some might say but the Friends have found some excellent help – more later.
- All the brushwood created has been used to create ‘dead hedges’ which slowly rot down to improve the soil and to introduce safe habitats for many creatures
- Our first three new residents were fruit trees which were planted during the winter so it’ll be exciting to see whether we can get some Camden Cider produced in due course.
- During the early part of this year foundations for two bee hives were built. One hive plus its bee colony was successfully brought here. It has survived the winter very well with thousands of residents so it is good to have another newer hive if they need more space.
- Last week-end two goats arrived to graze on the pasture and keep its height down. Don’t worry if you don’t see them they may be resting in their ‘stable’ under one of the arches. They’ve also learned that the electric fence is not something to be messed with!
- All this is being looked after by a team of over 30 volunteers now, led by the inexhaustibly enthusiastic John Long.
The goats are causing a lot of interest. Here they are close up with food, water and bedding. If you want to follow this exciting Camden Meadow story in more detail or can offer practical help, do click here.