Save the date – The Big Jubilee Lunch

Further to our post last Friday, as promised here is a follow-up note from the CRA’s Coordinator, John Long.
It’s the Queen’s jubilee year – as we probably all know by now. As part of the celebrations, the Palace is encouraging local communities to take part in ‘The Big Jubilee Lunch’ (ie, street parties) on Sunday 5th June.
Do let us know if this interests you, or if you are already making plans…
Have a look at these two links for a bit of background and some information to get communities started in their planning:
Camden Residents Association is exploring the potential for two such street parties along Camden Road:
- one centered around Camden Crescent (following the very successful Bath Guitar School busk at Christmas hosted by Friends of Camden Meadow), and
- one close to the Claremont pub and shops.
It’s early days, so what are my questions?
- Are you already planning an event in your Camden neighbourhood? If so, do let us know, and we might be able to help you (perhaps with things like insurances, road closure processes with the Council, etc).
- Would you like to help explore and plan one of our two proposed events? If so, as we’ll need all the help we can get, please do get in touch.
We’ll keep you posted via this blog as our explorations and plans develop.
Do share this blog post with friends and neighbours, and perhaps we can suggest that they sign up to stay in touch with this event, and indeed other local news and activities.
Contact John Long – [email protected]