Have a quiet, liveable week-end…

I’m away at my daughter’s wedding but Camden should be quiet. As you have probably seen the road will be closed this week-end to enable a crane to remove a tree, bit by bit, above the bus shelter opposite the shops.
The CRA would be very grateful for any observations, reflections or photos of Camden as a far more liveable neighbourhood. Please add any comments you would like to make by replying to this post. Please send photos to me at [email protected].
Whilst its quieter, why not stroll along to the railings in front of Camden Crescent and take a look at the work going on there.
Camden Meadow, grows
John Long explains:

We held another great working party over the weekend – with many thanks to all the committed and energetic local people who took part.
We coppiced a couple more hazels, and gave some of the ones we’d coppiced at previous events a bit of a haircut.
It opened up the view over the Avon Valley a little more, and expanded the meadow area to allow more variety of species to flourish.
We’ll be holding working parties most months, so do let us know if you’d like to be involved. Sign up at the Camden Meadow website here: www.camdenmeadow.org
For the Council’s part, you should see the meadow trimmed in the next week or two, when they do one of their annual strims. We have asked them to include the newly expanded meadow area in this – hopefully they will.
Finally, in other news, you may have noticed that the finials on the newly refurbished iron railings running the length of Camden Crescent have been installed, and all but a few are now painted black. Very smart.