Camden Cares about rubbish…!

Residents are complaining that our two bins on Camden Crescent get jammed full to overflowing, with more whole bags of rubbish often appearing around them overnight. By the morning the sight is even worse, with garbage strewn all over the road – the gulls have helped themselves to tasty morsels and then quite brazenly picked at it in the middle of the road. Earlier this week even a clothes drier appeared. All this is fly-tipping – a serious criminal offence for which people can be prosecuted.
We can’t blame Airbnb tourism at this time – it must be locals choosing to dump their household rubbish rather than put it out with the regular Thursday collection. These black bins are intended for small items from visitors and dog walkers, not our household waste such as bean tins, mail and hygiene products, which should be recycled properly.
So, why is it happening? Maybe some residents are unaware of the rules, having moved in from another area or country where refuse collection methods are different. Or perhaps they don’t appreciate the danger that this spilt rubbish presents to cars and bikes swerving to avoid it, slipping on the greasy take-away leftovers. Or they might think “the Council will clear it up so what’s the issue?” Or, maybe they just don’t care.
For me, the problem is that it’s selfish, anti-social, dangerous and far removed from the beauty of Camden that we’ve chosen to call home. We can, at least, report it and remind our neighbours gently if we see it happening that this isn’t the way to do it. If you need an extra recycling bin or black bag just ask. The means of alerting the Council are:

as well as here. Thank you, fellow Camden-folk – the vast majority of us care greatly about our community and environment – let’s keep it beautiful.
Louise Coates, Secretary.
Yes, this is happening with the bin at the Bennett’s Lane bus stop. Have been intending to write to the counci about, but stuff has got in the way.
It’s been noticeable since a )the change to fortnightly general waste collections and b) the Lock-Ins.
Hi David, yes it has got worse hasn’t it. Do write or sms the council though, it doesn’t take long, and they are generally responsive …
People ‘from other countries’??? Nice. I’ve lived in a flat in Camden Crescent twice over the years. This is where the rubbish is coming from. Collections are inadequate and provisions equally. I didn’t fly-tip but rubbish disposal is a problem, be it recycling or household. And this is a fox problem. Not gulls.
Hi Nicky, yes collections are inadequate but that’s how it is. The gulls are very skilled now at helping themselves, maybe after the foxes have started the job for them.
Yes, that bin is often overflowing with offensive refuse, which is a particular shame since they are in such a prominent position. Mind you, yesterday there was a different kind of display there:
Yes I saw those – maybe they did find new homes as not there anymore.