Camden Cares about rubbish…!

6 Responses

  1. David Kernek says:

    Yes, this is happening with the bin at the Bennett’s Lane bus stop. Have been intending to write to the counci about, but stuff has got in the way.
    It’s been noticeable since a )the change to fortnightly general waste collections and b) the Lock-Ins.

    • Louise Coates says:

      Hi David, yes it has got worse hasn’t it. Do write or sms the council though, it doesn’t take long, and they are generally responsive …

  2. Nicky says:

    People ‘from other countries’??? Nice. I’ve lived in a flat in Camden Crescent twice over the years. This is where the rubbish is coming from. Collections are inadequate and provisions equally. I didn’t fly-tip but rubbish disposal is a problem, be it recycling or household. And this is a fox problem. Not gulls.

    • Louise Coates says:

      Hi Nicky, yes collections are inadequate but that’s how it is. The gulls are very skilled now at helping themselves, maybe after the foxes have started the job for them.

  3. Bob Williams says:

    Yes, that bin is often overflowing with offensive refuse, which is a particular shame since they are in such a prominent position. Mind you, yesterday there was a different kind of display there: