Swish new facility for residents…
No, this is not a new airport for Bath! It’s an impression of the new recycling centre for B&NES in Keynsham. This is part of a new integrated approach across B&NES and will improve recycling rates as well increasing re-use and repair.
Residents of Bath have been reassured that though the Midland Road site will be shut there will be alternative facilities sought. News on this by the end of this year. If you are devotee of this facility then you might want to register your needs on the survey web-site here.
This went ahead on zoom without a hitch on the evening of 26th November, including voting for two motions about Camden Lawn. All the papers and minutes are here. Thanks to those on 31 ‘devices’ who participated and welcome to our three new recruits to the committee.
Liveable Neighbourhoods
Will Liveable Neighbourhoods become part of Council policy? This is possibly a big step for NE Bath and Camden and can be seen taking place live 6.30pm on December 10 on the Council’s youtube channel here.
Compassion at Christmas
This year, more than ever, Christmas will be a lonely occasion for some. 3SG will be offering to send Christmas cards to those who request one and a phone call on Christmas Day. To get the ball rolling for yourself, or for someone you care for, click here.
Here is a message from the committee secretary, Louise.
Dear Community Volunteers,
Way back in March we set up our own Camden Volunteers Support Group, as you may remember or been involved with. When our group and others like ours were amalgamated into the B&NES-wide Compassionate Community, 3SG, we all needed to re-register with 3SG and supply some form of “formal ID”, such as a driving licence. For some of us there were set up problems and we didn’t get confirmation of being on the register or that our proof of ID got through. Click here to resubmit. If, as a volunteer your circumstances have changed please click here.
They need us more than ever now as the number of requesters continues to rise.
Thank you!