Committee elections soon
We are dropping a bulletin through every door in Camden this week. This gives you the date of the AGM on the evening of 26th November, which will be hosted on zoom and will deal with reports, elections and motions. Most importantly for elections, we’ve got a couple of gaps likely on the committee and every position is up for election. We also appoint ‘sub-groups’ to specialise on certain issues and projects. So there’s plenty of opportunity to contribute.
I stood for election to the committee last year as I thought it would be a good way to get involved in what’s going on in the area and maybe to help make a difference, by representing the views of local residents. And what an exciting year! I’ve been active in several sub-groups, organised the Camden Covid-19 neighbour support group, learnt a lot about how resident associations work and interact with local councillors, and really enjoyed working with the rest of the committee to push for change in the things that matter to us in Camden. Pre-Covid we had a nice social side to meetings too, sharing a drink or two to help committee business along.
Normally we would host a speaker with discussion afterwards. Without the ability to hold a physical meeting we are likely to defer this bit of the AGM until we have some firmer news on the two main projects at the moment:
- Liveable Neighbourhoods: to minimise through traffic from elsewhere and making the streets round here quieter, friendlier and safe.
- ‘Camden Lawn’: to turn this area into something more presentable as befits the Grade 1 listed crescent.
We are also keen to make the street more social and sociable and looking better – something we can take pride in. We’ve carol sung for the last two years; we’ve got more vulnerable residents looked after better than ever; we’ve a great pub now; we’ve banged and clattered for frontline workers on Thursdays during lockdown, but could we not do more?
Details of how to find out more or decide to stand can be accessed here.
Jeremy, Chair