Camden Crescent Viaduct Works
Our West Camden reporter, Louise, contacted Dale Mynett, Principal Structures Engineer, about how the works have been progressing. He said…
Getting started
We had quite a few hurdles to jump before we could make a start. We’ve had to mitigate for ecology, there are bats roosting within a couple of the arches and although no works are to take place inside the arches we still have to ensure that we have all the right measures in place not to disturb them. There are also badger setts within close proximity of the works so we’ve had to get a lot of advice and work to strict recommendations from the ecologists regarding the bats and badgers.
Getting finished
Unfortunately progress has been hampered by the pandemic but we are now making good progress on the masonry repairs. The anticipated finish date was thought to be in November, however we are having to closely monitor progress which will also be dependent upon weather conditions.
Masonry and Railings
The specification of the masonry and mortar repairs have been agreed by the council’s conservation team to ensure that the works are sensitive and in keeping. As well as the extensive masonry refurbishment works to the face of the viaduct, we will also be refurbishing the wrought iron railings. Again repairs will be sensitive and based upon conservation.
We have a great masonry specialist working on the Viaduct, Cliveden, who have been involved with some high-profile historic buildings for a number of clients including the National Trust.