Local Hero

Many thanks to Bath Newseum for running this story this morning. Kenny is a cricket coach and loving volunteer who has been tending to the artist-inspired rusty planters on the city end of the London Road.
These have looked great this year. I’ve never met him, but, like many others, I’m very grateful for his transformation of the look of these very artistic but highly controversial planters. Marvellous to look at if you’re walking past, but quite a hazard for drivers trying edge out of Snow Hill onto the London Road.
These remind me of something very similar in the 13th arrondisement in Paris.

I took this picture two years ago hoping we might get something similar in Camden at some stage. Now there is a possibility of this becoming a reality. If Camden were selected to be a low traffic neighbourhood and the main Camden Road was much quieter there could well be room for some planters or ‘parklets’ along its length.
So this is just a reminder to have another look at our newsletter which we posted through your door last week and sign up to our campaign for a low traffic neighbourhood which is at the top of every page of the web-site. It looks like this…

We’ve now reached 150! Can we get to 200?
Can you confirm whether an LTN would mean less parking bays as parking would be given up as areas for planters?
Hi Rachel,
This a council led change which we intend to support subject to residents, and their representatives, having a big say in what the eventual solution looks like. The council had seen that there is a relationship between a low traffic neighbourhood and residents’ parking, and along with electric vehicle charging points has bundled all three into the ‘Liveable Neighbourhoods’ strategy which they are consulting on now.
Were the solution to involve a filter which stops most through traffic then there is more scope to take away double yellow lines and repurpose them in several ways including bike hangars, parklets and more parking if necessary. One extra thing we’re considering is the extension of the restricted parking hours into the evening as ‘peak parking does seem to be about 7pm when it can become impossible to find a space in zone 15.
Yes, many thanks to Kenny. I’ve admired the planters all year. The planting is so modern and original and everything has been so well looked after. Such a joy after the original dreary planting that nobody bothered to water.