These quieter times…

Here is a beautiful video which is going sort of ‘viral’ across Bath’s social media. Wera Hobhouse is the latest to post it. So for ‘Camden completeness’ and because Jack is is nearly a Camdenite, here it is for any who have not seen it. Beautiful drone work and worth watching right to the end.
If you need a reminder of busier days try Jack’s earlier film here.
We’re getting messages from reflective residents about how we can keep the best bits of this lockdown situation where we seem to have more time, appreciate exercise and more street life. This is also making Central Government think too which is beginning to percolate out to the provinces. We’ll be rekindling out campaign for a ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ soon. Do sign up here and join the 133 others.
Finally, the marvellous CRA initiative to encourage offers of help and support to those shielding or unable to get out and about in Camden is now fully taken over by 3SG. If you still want to volunteer or need help then you’ll find the links on the top right of every page of this site.

Just in case you’re feeling overly calm here is Richard Perkins’ and his pupils’ offering on Thursday night. Getting better and better.