Strong local councillor support for our LTN Campaign

Thanks to those who responded to our latest appeal for signatures. We’re on the up again, but do please check that your friends and neighbours in the area, as well as your household members, are signed up and if not click on the button.
I met both of our local councillors yesterday evening.
They reaffirmed their support for:
our LTN campaign, and
ensuring we are protected from the effects of closing Cleveland Bridge to all traffic in the summer.

Like many of us, you may have received this ‘Focus on Walcot’ news sheet, which also demonstrates that we’ve got our messages through to the Council on both these topics. We went on to discuss how we might be able to ‘interlink’ both of these issues by bringing some of our LTN scheme forward. This could minimise the through traffic caused by the bridge closure as well as giving us an insight into the operational effects of the LTN longer term. The Committee will be discussing this further on Monday evening and hopefully will be in a position to propose something to our local councillors soon after. If you have any comments on this then please leave a reply on the bottom of this post.
Meanwhile I get continued reports of the improved status of London Road and the bridge due to the new weight limit meaning HGVs (vehicles with 3 or more axles) are excluded. The Lib Dems campaign to make the weight limit permanent rolls on very successfully with 1,153 signatures.
As you may have seen Snow Hill now has a residents association with whom we’ve been in touch. We have a lot of joint interests in the near future!
Jeremy, Chair