Bathscape Walking Festival going on now
So sorry this is going out so late, but it’s probably still worth passing it on with such good weather.
An opportunity to discover some new walks under expert guidance from 14th to 22nd September. 2019. Click here for details.
Some other snippets too…
CAZ: the Council are offering consultation sessions on the ‘Draft Charging Order’ to enable the CAZ C. You’ll find the briefing leaflet here and an early draft of the consultation timetable here. The two main refinements affect Beacon Wood House and indirectly residents of Belgrave Crescent. I’m seeing the CAZ team next week if you have any concerns you want me to raise – just comment on this blogpost.
Date for the diary: our AGM will be on Friday, 7:30pm, 22nd November at the Claremont Community Centre. In view of the lack of effect the downgraded CAZ (D to C) will have on traffic volumes on Camden Road we have been beavering away on other ideas and will be briefing you on those and how to campaign for the best of them in the run up to the AGM. If you have an immediate desire to support us on this then do add your name to the campaigners list here.
Massive Bang update: we met two Highways Engineers on site recently to consider how we could make ‘Camden Narrows’ safer. To remind yourself of the incident click here. We also pointed them to some of the detailed recommendations in our 2017 report on page 19, items 15-21.
Committee: several vacancies on the committee will arise this year so if you have an active interest in making Camden a nicer place to live in then do consider standing.