Hedgemead Park is 130!

Hedgemead Park is looking beautiful following the work undertaken by B&NES Council and local residents to revitalise this historic city park. Two recent developments are:
1. The formation of the Friends of Hedgemead Park (HPF), constituted in May. Supported by residents of Walcot, Lansdown and Camden, and two local churches, HPF will work with B&NES Council to:
- Promote and protect wildlife
- Encourage and promote preservation, conservation and succession planting to help reduce pollution
- Promote the history and heritage of the park
- Organise community events and volunteer activities
Funding for essential green spaces in cities continues to be threatened. An active community group is more likely to be listened to, and have access to funds and resources. Join us to have a say and a vote on the preservation and future of the park. See contact below.
2. A fete on Sunday July 21st from 1pm – 5pm celebrating 130 years since the opening of Hedgemead Park. From the start, the Bath Spa Band will play from the bandstand, and the Natural Theatre Company will recreate the Victorian opening ceremony and entertain with speeches from the day. Throughout the afternoon there will be family activities including Pebble Painting, Treasure Hunt, Cupcake decorating, plus Local Produce, Avon Wildlife Trust, Vegmead, and Historical Information about the park and local area. Indulge in teas, coffees, ice creams and home-made cakes. Why not pack a picnic, and walk, cycle or bus to the park (parking is limited), and join in the fun? Or, if you like to help us on the day, by making a cake or providing some produce to sell, we would be delighted!
For further information, either on becoming a friend, and/or about the fete, email the Secretary , Caroline Groom at: [email protected]