Bath Transport Conference

Things do look a little cleaner now…
THE 2019 BATH TRANSPORT HUSTINGS sponsored by Bath Alliance for Transport and Public Realm will take place on Thursday 4th April, at 4.45pm until about 8.30pm, at St Swithin’s Church.
With the impending CAZ, this is a convenient opportunity to hear from all the Bath political groups contesting the local election on 2 May 2019. Chaired by Sir Peter Hendy, the conference will be a neutral platform to allow the political groups to present their Bath Transport Manifesto on which they are competing to win seats on the B&NES Council. In addition, Tim Bowles, Mayor of West of England Combined Authority, will present WECA’s new regional transport plan (JLTP4) and its benefits for Bath. Attendance is free but places are limited and registration is required.
Click here:
- for details
- to buy tickets
- for the report