Zone 15 to get very slightly bigger
A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is the legal document required to support a range of measures, which govern or restrict the use of public roads.
The latest TRO from BANES will change things in Upper Hedgemead Road by putting the current free parking into zone 15.
I never could understand why there was free parking there, so close to the city centre. This may improve parking for those on UHR although it is rather distant from the rest of zone 15. We just need to make sure in the future that this is not used as a ‘like for like’ swap in arguments to reduce parking in more more pressurised parts of zone 15.
The big need is to realign the parking spaces to allow for cars to pass each other safely where the road narrows.
I agree. The double yellow lines at the Lansdown Road end of UHR need addressing as a start.
Hi Caroline, can you suggest how the yellow line issue should be addressed? It is single lane so traffic can only pass one way or another and needs the double yellow lines to even achieve that.
The road widens where the free parking spaces are. If a few spaces were sacrificed at the narrowest point point extending to where the road widens leaving an easily accessible passing space. This would enable access for emergency service vehicles. As a pedestrian I would prefer a clear passing space as currently cars mount the pavement to pass.